Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Thank You to our Military!

Art is a fantastic way to show respect and admiration.  J.J. L. created this sculpture of her brother while he was serving overseas.  It takes a long time to create a a likeness of this quality.  Since February, J.J. has spent many study halls in addition to class time making this sculpture.  Great results, and now is a time to celebrate because her brother is home safely!

This sculpture is created from cone 5-6 stoneware buff.  It is painted with many thin and transparent coats of watercolor and some acrylic.  The clay texture shows through in certain areas.

The entire sculpture was carved from a giant hunk of clay.  After most areas were finished and it had dried some, it was cut in half and hollowed so thick areas would not explode in the kiln.  After the sculpture was hollowed it was slip and scored back together and the final details were added.  It took a month and an half for this sculpture to dry completely. 

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