Thursday, May 26, 2011

Senior Project: Holy Water Holder Installed

The pottery II and III final project was the last thing to get finished and installed.  Junior classmates A.S. and G. B. finished the job.  The primary colors in the mosaic echo the colors in the chapel windows.
Class of 2011!

Hand height for blessing.  This class had a unity in purpose and vision to create this holy water holder.  It was a joy to work with them!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Final Project: Dreamscapes inspired by artist Judy Onofrio

Pottery/sculpture students used all the skills they developed over the year in their final project.  After viewing the awesome artwork made by Judy Onofrio and discussing how many of her pieces are based on a narrative, or a story-Students created a "dreamscape" using elements sculpted from clay, found objects, tile, and glass.     

Who doesn't dream of having a pony?  CKW used a sheet of thin copper for the horse's body, and silver for the hoofs.   "Hi-Ho Silver!"  Notice the song bird on the fence post.  Charming!

Some students had dreams about the future and what path they will be on.  KC's path leads to candy!  Oil pastels make the color in this landscape textured and intense, it is a good contrast to the smooth glass.  The tree trunks in the forest are made of toothpicks.   

CT has dreams of angels!

Some dreams are nightmares.  LM's dream features some Jurassic Park elements.

Pterodactyl...good thing blogger has spell check!

LP used pop cans as a border.  Some projects change as they progress.  The "dream narrative" aspect of L's project became less important, and using the elements and principles of design to create something aesthetically pleasing became the main focus of this sculpture.

Mirror by KO'B.

Circus by KM.  Notice the tight-rope walker at the top.

A close up of the white tiger in a cage.   

Great wave crashing over RP's dreams of surfing, skating, California, and England.

RP was brave about using irregular pieces from broken pottery.  R also used a wood base from several cut parts placed together so it has layers of depth. 

This project by SK has elements that were important to S's grandmother.  A yellow rose, pink ribbons, and a bird float on a mosaic cloud.

The students did a fantastic job with this project.  I would like to thank the artist Judy Onofrio for making her work and life story available to students and teachers.  Her work is wonderful, and I had the good fortune of hearing her speak at the National Art Teachers Convention in Minneapolis several years ago.  My classes also read and enjoyed the April/May 2004 Scholastic Art Magazine which featured Judy Onofrio. 

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Thank You to our Military!

Art is a fantastic way to show respect and admiration.  J.J. L. created this sculpture of her brother while he was serving overseas.  It takes a long time to create a a likeness of this quality.  Since February, J.J. has spent many study halls in addition to class time making this sculpture.  Great results, and now is a time to celebrate because her brother is home safely!

This sculpture is created from cone 5-6 stoneware buff.  It is painted with many thin and transparent coats of watercolor and some acrylic.  The clay texture shows through in certain areas.

The entire sculpture was carved from a giant hunk of clay.  After most areas were finished and it had dried some, it was cut in half and hollowed so thick areas would not explode in the kiln.  After the sculpture was hollowed it was slip and scored back together and the final details were added.  It took a month and an half for this sculpture to dry completely. 

Friday, May 6, 2011

Friday Art Update 5-6-11

M. R.'s tatoo pig.

The tatooed pig is made from coils and he is over 1 and 1/2 feet high.  He is glazed with blue majolica.  M got the idea that he is standing guard, sentinel style, like a cement lion at the entry to a home.

A container made of slabs with sprigged additions.  A. W. made this as part of the human figure project.  Can you find the human figure or parts of the human figure?

Very large and colorful coil vase made by J. T.

Fairy figure made by F. B.  This sculpture was made as part of the human figure project.

Precise detail!

Creative slab container by M. K. in the form of a book titled "Just an Ordinary Girl". 

The lid of the container is a book mark. 

Have a great weekend and enjoy some fine weather!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Icon Project

We studied icons, diptychs, and triptychs in pottery I.  Students researched to discern a saint they had an affinity for and wanted to create an icon about.  Many students chose to use clay, but some used found materials to create their icon.  The Skutt Catholic media center has many fine books for visual examples.  I learn something new everyday, and with this project I discovered the Monastery of St Catherine's in the Sinai.  Look at the incredible religious art items that are part of their collection and our Catholic faith.  For the class assinment, my students could choose a traditional approach to the icon assignment, or their own unique modern interpretation.   

H. W.'s Mary and Jesus

L. P's Saint Peter.

C. K. W.'s St Cecila icon made from a CD case.  St Cecilia is the saint of music.

H. W.'s icon for Joan of Arc.